

Our Flagship program: Debtsolv provides an end-to-end solution for Fee-Charging Debt Management companies. This Suite of Programs is the choice of many Industry leaders. Hundreds of Time-Saving functions allow you to concentrate on growing your business while Debtsolv handles all the routine tasks that get automated to reduce the need for extra staff. More >>

Debtsolv IVA

A specialised version of Debtsolv specifically developed for Consumer IVAs with all the Time-Saving Features of Debtsolv. This newest version makes Building Proposals and appendices easier than ever and Supervision becomes much more efficient with Automated Billing and Streamlined Wizards for Meetings and Variations. This Insolvency variant is customisable and can also administer Protected Trust Deeds by using the specially adapted Process Flow Maps. More >>

Lead Pool

A data hive to store all your leads, enquiries, purchased data records in one easy to search Database. Campaigns can be structured to streamline the flow of qualified leads to your call centre agents and advisors. A free version of Lead Pool is bundled with DebtsolvXT that restricts you to 1 single campaign and is a great way to test how the Dialler-Modelled lead delivery system can improve your call centre's performance. More >>


Finally the Weblynx has become available to bolt on to your Debtsolv suite. It provides portals for your Introducers, your Clients and their Creditors. The Weblynx Introducer Portal will allow your Introducers to send new data, agreed leads, and view time-saving reports (No more preparing commission reports for 30 hungry and annoying lead providers...Imagine that!). Demand for Weblynx is expected to be high so installation slots are limited at this time. More >>